Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flowers & Fun

The last post was about the bad side of law school, so this one will be more positive.

My Husband and I survived the 1L year together and intact. (Me as a law student and him as a civilian.) We have entered law school Phase II in a new town . The change of school and scenery seems to have been great for both of us. Husband is now much happier with the town and his job, and he is back in school. I'm happier because my new school allows me to focus more on learning the law and to spend less time freaking out about flunking out or losing my scholarship. Us both being happier has been great for our marriage. So anyway, yep, things are better this year.

This morning Husband surprised me with beautiful fall flowers. I thought they were very pretty, and it was a very sweet and thoughtful gift. Husband is good about these things, much better at them than me. And as he has gotten happier, his sweet side is coming out again more and more.

This evening, we are going to eat at a pizza place with some friends from the new law school. This pizza place is supposed to be THE pizza place in Gainesville, and it looks pretty good from the website. It also appears to be a bit different. For one thing, it is decorated with found art, which I think is pretty cool. On the other hand, it is cash only. Cash only?! Who carries cash anymore? I don't. Note to any thieves who may ever wish to mug me: it would be a big waste of your time. Everything in my wallet is quickly cancel-able, so it would basically be like stealing an empty wallet.

I'll try to find something more interesting to write about for my next post.

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